Thursday, February 27, 2020


Living in a Pandemic world.  Hello, SWARTHOS here [yes it's full on capitalization for full on effect\] <-proper use of slash is that which randomly happens during infusement.  I have begun my societal collapse preparation.  I am stockpiling medicines, foods and cologne.  One wants to smell of good odor during any outbreak or apocalyptic event.

We have upon our world at this entry:  The Corona Virus COVID19.  The initial report was that this was a flu like or severe cold like virus that was originally transmitted from the animal kingdom into human hosts at a street market located in Wuhan China.  Of course, there also just happens to be a Chinese biological warfare center near this same "ground zero" site.

Curious Observation:  I am seeing the governments of the world respond to this with very strict lockdowns and quarantines.  However, we are told that the common Influenza that hits every season is much more deadly... But, I never see this type of lockdown mentality ever take place during a Flu season...  Something to think about.

[perhaps I will have more to enter/at a later. unregistered date/]

Chinese authorities capture an infected person on the streets.  When the Nets and Scoops begin to be utilized you know things have gotten out of control...

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