Wednesday, June 17, 2020

COVID-19 Plot To Kill A Neg

There may be an attempt at the eradication of RH negative blood types . This is coming in the form of the COVID-19 virus which is a full blown pandemic now it strikes the a negative or RH negative blood types more severely than any other blood type on this planet for a long time now the world has been suspicious of RH negative blood types thinking they are alien \

I am of the RH negative blood type having a negative blood the veil is much thinner.
 for those of us with RH negative blood the paranormal is normal
- very strange experiences have happened to Rh negative people
- Rh negative people are prone to supernatural experiences.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

UFO Sighting Over House

Photographed this as it spun above my house.  Also made crude video recording.

Could be some type of sophisticated probe.

Friday, June 5, 2020

5 JUNE 2020 - Enhanced Protocol

While performing normal company duties this morning I happened upon this scene being played out in the local park.  I called paramedics who arrived quickly to render aid.  This person was merely passed out - possibly due to some substance and/or alcohol.
To exist on planet earth.